

编辑:admin   来源:河南室内设计网     发布时间:2011-5-9 14:16:20      点击:12177  

 古之学者必有师。师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 师说

  以古喻今,关于家居设计,我们的消费者同样需要专业“老师”给予意见,进行指导。本期开始,我们不定期推出“师说”栏目。该栏目特向资深设计师约稿,他们或在国内出书、授课,实操无数设计案例;或留学海外,吸收了多元的国际化设计理念,迸发出无数设计灵感。我们的特刊就是要以他们的专业眼光,独特视角,向广大消费者介绍家居设计知识、装饰技巧,并随时预告流行趋势,规避装修弊病等等。本期,我们特向留学海外的grace pan女士约到一期介绍2011年美国室内设计流行趋势的稿件。3月要到了,天气转暖,装修大计刚好开始张罗了。希望我们的栏目,帮助您打造出一个舒适、环保、国际化的风范家居。

  the trends are short and changeable all the time, especially in design world. with new technological development and the ecological footprint’s affection, interior designers are more pay attention to incorporate more environmentally friendly interior design elements in their designs. in 2011, green living has become an important component of style and standard throughout the interior design industry. (流行向来都是短暂且多变的,尤其是在设计界。随着新技术的发展和出于对生态元素的喜爱,室内设计师们更乐于在他们的作品中结合环保主题。2011年,绿色健康生活已成为室内设计工业的主流风格和行业标准。)

  1. going back to nature. 回归自然

  using eco-friendly materials in interior design is a trend in the few years, from floor, paints, lighting fixture to decoration elements. people are more and more care about our planet. sustainable design becomes a symbol for saving our nature and land.(在今后几年中,从地板、涂料、照明设备到任何装饰元素,使用环保材料必将是一个趋势。当今人类比以前更加关心地球,“可持续性”的室内设计标志着人们对于自然和土地资源的重视。)

  2. preserving the past. 怀旧

  the experts’ predict that cool neutrals and muted hues will be reflected in paints and fabrics. the patterns, textures and colors will reflect a resurgence of antique style. according to interior designers, “old is new again”.专家们预测 ,墙壁色彩和织物中将会显现出个性化的中性偏冷和暗度的色调。复古风格将遍布各种图案、质地和色彩搭配中。对于室内设计师们来讲,“风水轮流转”一点不假。

  3. technological revolution. 科技革命

  technology makes life easier. more and more items in the home are connected to a computer or the internet. home theaters, home gym and entertainment room are more popular in interior design. (生活因科技而变得更便捷。如今,家中越来越多的物品与计算机和互联网相关联。家庭影院、家庭健身房和家庭娱乐室等主题将在室内设计中更加流行。)

  4. personalization. 个性化

  some elements in interior design are meaningful and personalized. these items can be anything, as long as they mean something to the owner which makes the design different and unique.(一些室内设计的元素因充满了个人色彩而更有意义。这些元素可以是任何东西,只要主人们认为它们有价值,就可以被拿来使设计变得更加与众不同和独特。)

  5. using elements of the land. 使用土地元素

  it is reflected in the colors, such as colors from minerals, dirt, and plants. light green and blue sea reflect the creation of beauty. pantone, a well-known and trusted forecasting company that seasonally predicts color trends, prediction is “jet black and metallics of gold and silver are juxtaposed against subtle blue and frosted gray.”(这反映在颜色的使用中,比如来自于矿石、泥土、植物等的色调。同时,浅绿和海洋蓝反映了来自创造的美。pantone公司是一家著名的权威咨询公司,专门预测颜色的流行趋势。他们指出:乌黑色和金银质感的金属色将和浅蓝和磨砂灰并存。)




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